domingo, 15 de abril de 2007

... de mi citando a uno que cita a alguien mas

Dos. Ese es el numero de personas que creo habrian podido haber dado con esto por sus propios intereses (de entre quienes supongo leen este espacio) sin que yo compartiera aqui lo que otro ya compartio para un publico mayor (deadairspace).

"....................'Last year the top climate scientist at NASA, James Hansen, reported that his bosses were trying to censor his lectures, papers and web postings. He was told by public relations officials at the agency that there would be "dire consequences” if he continued to call for rapid reductions in greenhouse gases(12)..........

The Union of Concerned Scientists found that 58% of the 279 climate scientists working at federal agencies in the US who responded to its survey reported that they had experienced one of the following constraints. 1. “Pressure to eliminate the words ‘climate change,’ ‘global warming’, or other similar terms” from their communications. 2. Editing of scientific reports by their superiors which “changed the meaning of scientific findings”. 3. Statements by officials at their agencies which misrepresented their findings. 4. “The disappearance or unusual delay of websites, reports, or other science-based materials relating to climate”. 5. “New or unusual administrative requirements that impair climate-related work”. 6. “Situations in which scientists have actively objected to, resigned from, or removed themselves from a project because of pressure to change scientific findings.” They reported 435 incidents of political interference over the past five years(9)...' "

Les sorprende??... a mi tampoco.

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